5 Ways to Successfully Save Money for Your Summer Vacation with the Help of Our Harlingen Credit Union - VFCU

5 Ways to Successfully Save Money for Your Summer Vacation with the Help of Our Harlingen Credit Union

Summer is right around the corner and what better way to remember it than with an extended family vacation? Saving throughout the year can greatly maximize the chances of you and your family enjoying a great time together without having to worry about affording anything. Scroll down to learn how our credit union in Harlingen can help with your vacation!

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Create a Goal and Budget

First, decide where and when you’ll be vacationing. Afterward, open up a savings account with us to help you save money. Also determine whether:

  • You’ll be vacationing in early summer (which tends to be incredibly busy with tourists) or later in the season (which is usually much calmer).
  • How many people will be joining you and if anyone will be paying their way.

Spend Less on Unnecessary Items

Save money for your trip now by cutting down on small purchases like:

  • Eating out for dinner several times a week.
  • Spending on items that you don’t need at the moment, such as luxury objects.
  • Unused subscription services like gym memberships or streaming services.

Teach and Reap the Rewards

Help your kids to open a minor/joint savings or youth checking account at our Harlingen credit union. This will:

  • Teach them how to manage a financial account on their own.
  • Stretch your dollar by letting them pay for their own souvenirs.

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Set Up Automatic Transfers

Improve your spending habits by setting up an automatic transfer through our mobile app. Start by:

  • Downloading the app and calling us to enroll in a separate savings account.
  • Specifying the amount you want for us to take out.

Keep Extra Cash Around

Make sure that you and your family are financially prepared for emergencies with a personal loan or credit card. Remember that you shouldn’t use credit cards unless it’s an emergency. Ensure that you or another responsible adult always keeps tabs on how much you’re spending on your trip.

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Start Saving with VFCU

Are you ready for your summer vacation? If you are but have found that money is an issue, then contact us for more information on how to set up any of these services! Or, apply online today for a personal loan or credit card through our portal.

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