July Skip A Payment

July Skip A Payment

In order to process Skip-A-Payment this form must be submitted at least two weeks before due date.

Dear Member,

If you need extra cash for the summer, Valley Federal Credit Union has a great way for you to get it.  As a valued member, you are entitled to skip a payment on your credit union loans. If you have more than one loan, you can skip a payment for each. Skip payment must be redeemed on or before 8/31/2018.

Indicate the loan(s) you want to skip (only the month of August).

    Loan Number

    Monthly Payment





    Loans must not be over 10 days delinquent. 1) You will be responsible for the accrued interest as a result of the skipped payment. 2) This offer is not valid for single payment loans, workout loans for the last six months or extended within the six months, balloon loans, real estate (lot loans), home equity loans, loyalty loans, and Mastercard. 3) Valley Federal Credit Union reserves the right to alter your selection if the payment for the period listed above has already been made. Payments already made, including payroll payments, will not be reversed. 4) All other original loan terms and conditions, as per your note and disclosure statement, will still apply. 5) If this is a new loan, you must make the first payment when it’s due. 6) For vehicle loans, your vehicle must have full coverage insurance. 7) Courtesy pay must not be negative for more than 30 days. 8) Valley Federal Credit Union reserves the right to not process your skip payment if something has occurred which we believe may substantially reduce your ability to repay what you owe.

    I have acknowledged that there will be a $25.00 fee per skipped loan. Skip payment fee must be available at the time of processing.

    By providing my e-signature below, I understand that the interest will continue to accrue during the deferred period. I understand that this will extend the term of my loan and agree with the terms and conditions of the Skip-A-Payment program.

    Other restrictions may apply. Please allow up to three business days for processing.
    June’s payment must be made in full.



    **You will receive an email if approved or denied to the email provided**