Noticed Suspicious Fraud Activity?

Noticed Suspicious Fraud Activity?

We Can Help

Keyboard Render Showing Fraud as a Button

At Valley Federal Credit Union your security is our top priority. That’s why we want to help you better understand how to detect possible fraud on your accounts and what to do if you notice suspicious activity.

Unfortunately, scams and fraud are on the rise. If you notice unusual activity on your account or receive suspicious messages at any time, this could be fraud. VFCU suggests that you always stay on top of your transaction history and keep an eye on your credit report.

If you believe you’re a victim of fraud, take these immediate steps:

If you suspect fraud or have lost your card, contact us immediately or call the numbers below

Report Fraud

  • Visa Debt:1-800-472-3272
  • Master Card:1-866-422-8053

Update Your Info

If you suspect you have been a victim of fraud, it may also be a good idea to change your online or mobile app password.

Contact Us

Call or email us for further assistance