7 Tips For Choosing the Right Credit Card - VFCU

7 Tips For Choosing the Right Credit Card

Choosing the right credit card nowadays is very simple and easy! Credit cards can be used for even the simplest of things such as: 

  • Day-to-day purchases
  • Convenient spending
  • Essential option for expenses

Although having a credit card is simple and easy to use, a few factors come with your safe and easy spending. Make the most of your credit card with these seven tips.

Balance Alerts Can Help Keep Spending in Check

Paying things in cash has its perks. It can allow you to keep track of your spending while also helping you track how much you spend every time you use your money for expenses. Instead, set up a way to keep your balance in check by setting alerts and spending trackers to monitor your spending habits! 

Spending Analysis Tools Help You with Your Budget

When you sign up with a lender to gain your credit card, they will allow you options to analyze your spending. Options such as: 

  • Online tools
  • App data access
  • Grab tips from our blog.

Don’t miss out on great tools that benefit your path to financial independence! Take advantage of spending tools that help analyze your account and keep track of your spending!

Make Multiple Payments per Month

Whenever you spend using your credit card, you will be asked to make payments to repay the amount you spend using your credit card. 

Did you know:

  • Paying your account on time doesn’t affect your interest.
  • Paying your monthly bill can be utilized and may increase or decrease your interest depending on how well you pay your monthly amounts. 
  • It’s recommended that you spend at least a week or two earlier than the regular due date to reduce your interest.  

Take Advantage of Small Purchases and Discounts

There are always chances to use your credit card when it comes to big sales or online promotions during certain seasons of the year that will gain you big rewards depending on how much you spend on said sales dates. Doing so can earn you some percentage of the following: 

  • Cashback rewards 
  • Shipping offers for online spending
  • Percentage of extra discounts 

Moving Your Due Date Can Keep You On Track

Missing credit card payments can affect your credit if you’re not careful. Doing so can also affect your interest, and it will take longer for you to finish paying off your credit card debt. If you have trouble paying on time, settle for customizing your due date and adjust it with just a click or call from your lender.  

Choosing the Right Credit Card

Not every Harlingen bank offers the right credit card that our credit union does. Typically, lenders will have several cards to choose from, each with different rewards that will help you depending on your spending. Ask us about:

  • Gold Card
  • Classic Card
  • Platinum Card


Looking for the right Credit Card? VFCU has just what you need to find the right finances to get you back on track financially! With VFCU credit card services, you can look forward to:

  • Fixed rates
  • No cash advances
  • No annual fees

Finance with VFCU?

Making Purchases with your credit card can grant you certain rewards, such as cashback or discounts for spending a certain amount. Some lenders can even allow you to customize your credit card by allowing you to choose your interest percentages, depending on the card type. Contact us to learn how to get the most for your finances and choosing the right credit card.

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